Thursday, 23 August 2007

This is where it starts
Here we are planning the first Rhythm of Nikken DVD that will be sent out to all the event hosts in advance of the 24 November Rhythm of Nikken events. These new quarterly events will eventually roll out to every corner in Europe, but we start by establishing them in the UK, Ireland, Holland, Germany, Switzerland and Austria first.
Around 15 events will take place in November and then the events will just grow and grow by numbers and countries...
Tony Chaplin, our MD at the left, then Phil Woodcock in charge for Operations and Marketing, John Bradford in the middle, who is our new copywriter, and then Wendy Bradley, from Marketing and very skillfully in charge of the production of this DVD, then me.
Join our events in November! They will be ... grrrreat!

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

2 days to go!

Interesting things to be revealed in Gothenburg on Saturday. We have just agreed a deal with DaimlerChrysler that will benefit Nikken Consultants that want to take part in the car programme. We will be introducing the Rhythm of Nikken.

Products coming later this year will be revealed.

We'll have a great show ... see lots of inspiring speakers.

My old friend Jerry Clark will be there to do what he does best. Just seeing him is worth coming to Gothenburg this weekend.

So... we still have a few tickets left to sell at the door. Come to Gothenburg and join us!

Monday, 20 August 2007

Inspiration from Dublin

Thank you Joan O'Callaghan and everyone else involved in organizing the Irish Showcase Day on 19 August!

This was an inspirational day with presentations of Nikken, the Wellness Home, great testimonials, recognition and an introduction to the Rhythm of Nikken. The Irish lot were also the first ones to see the images of the upcoming new TriPhase bracelets that will be available in about a months time.

On the top image, our keynote speaker Mark, who is blind but that didn't stop him from being an Iron Man athlete, running a marathon on the North Pole, on mount Everest, running the equivalent of five marathons in one week in the Gobi desert and many more amazing feats. Next to him Irish Consultant Peter Keehan.

Middle photo is of Joan O'Callaghan herself, a great host of the event who really put in some hard work and care to make sure the day was a success. Bottom photo - some of the attendants. Two new Silvers of the Russian community in Ireland. Analoty, the man on the right is an Olympic silver medalist in boxing and now also a Nikken Silver!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Nikken Europe donates 26 271 EUR to Autism Speaks

Here we go! Recently we were visited at the office by a representative for the charity Autism Speaks. We were happy to be able to present quite a cheque to this noble charity, 26 271 EUR, based on a very successful launch of our new Sports Bracelet. Well done folks!!
You've promoted this amazing TriPhase technology product so well that we've run out of stock several times. Big shipments are expected to refill our stock later this month, so we can keep selling this good looking product that also makes you feel good!
We look forward to presenting the next cheque. I'm sure it will be even bigger!

Nordic top leaders meet in Copenhagen

1 August - Nordic top leaders get together with me and Tony at Hilton Copenhagen to have a look at what the rest of the year has to offer, plan together and for us to get valuable feedback from our great leaders on the field who are changing the world one Wellness Home at a time.

The Executive Sales Board is our most exclusive "club", by invitation only. How to get there? Well... qualify for President's Club first... and keep going... and we'll see!

Recruiting in Paris

Again... weather was perfect when I crossed the channel to spend a day in Paris. Was glad to leave rainy Britain to soak some sun by the Northern Station in Paris, a nice lunch at the Brasserie Terminus and good meetings with the top candidates for the job as Regional Network Development Manager for our French language markets.
One of the candidates seems very promising and is now scheduled for a visit to Milton Keynes to get more acquainted with the company and for further interviews. If all goes well... our team will be strengthened by another skilled person who will contribute to make Nikken even stronger.