The Direct Selling Association in Norway selected a new Chairman today. After 15 years of service, Nils Jakob Moen decided it was finally time for somebody else to take over the reins of our industry association in Norway.
And with great timing.
Just like Jan Fredrik Torgersen once took over the helm at Oriflame Norway from Nils Jakob, becoming his successor as the Managing Director, he now takes over the Chairman position of the DSA.
After 10 years at Oriflame, Jan Fredrik is making a change and moving to a freelance position which frees up time to engage himself in this important position, to which he brings a lot of experience, ambition and passion for our industry.
So the vote was unanimous and all member companies wish Jan Fredrik good luck with his new appointment.
I guess this is the first media to break the news.... so ... for the latest... check out Janne's blog!