Wednesday, 27 May 2009

The Menopause Ambulance

After great product launch meetings in Nürnberg and Budapest I return back to England with lots of new information, ideas, impressions and... amazement of the potential we have with Nutri5.

Dr Lars Höye did a series of marvellous presentations and I can appreciate our new product more fully now. Personally, I take it each morning, mixed in a hand mixer with some fruit juices, optimized water and a banana...

In Budapest we had many medical doctors in the audience, all seemed happy with the information they got and some very influential doctors decided to join Nikken after the meeting.

But how about this... In Hungary they have just launched a "menopause ambulance". There are TV ads about it, promoting a toll free phone number that you can call if you are having menopausal symptom attacks. They will connect you to the nearest hospital or centre with a menopause ambulance that will come an help you out!

Pretty cool, ha? But what an incredible amount of money this must cost. And all it takes is a shake or two of Nutri5 per day and the problems are history.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Another great start... this year's Conventions!

The Paris Convention on Saturday 16 March went really according to plan. It was fantastic to see the great culmination of many month's hard labour.

Can't tell you many details yet, since we want to keep elements of the event a big surprise to you when you attend in Copenhagen or Budapest. But it was brilliant, energetic, fun, colourful.

The the left - this is what it looks like when you put 30 Pi-Mag water systems next to each other. Below some other photos from our preparations on Friday before the big day.

Register for the Nikken Rhythm of Life in Copenhagen or Budapest today!

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Great start on our Search Engine Optimization for Nutri5

The Nutri5 web sites rank very high on search results for "natural solutions for menopause" around Europe. In Sweden, Consultant and corporate Nikken sites completely dominate the first page of results. In Holland the results are equally impressive and in Germany our corporate Nutri5 sites rank at all positions between 3 and 8 and the top one is a yahoo video posted by one of our Consultants.