Thursday, 16 July 2009

Some important choices were made here

This was a great and interesting meal. Last month in Copenhagen, at Bella Center. Poor us, we had to eat through a whole range of choices for the Gala Dinner at our Convention, as well as sample lunch options for general lunch boxes and the VIP lunch.
The chef is the young guy in the middle. Dynamic, friendly and looks healthy in a Nikken way. Wonder if he's got a magnet hidden somewhere. I missed to pitch him. Too bad... we should always take the opportunity!
Anyway, the service and the food was great. I think you will love this. Something very tasty, well composed and actually regional in a way is waiting for you.
Come celebrate Rhythm of Life with us.

Our Wellness Office

With the hoopla surrounding the "swine flu", every responsible company has to take measures. Whatever the reality is. Seems like GPs are very liberally labelling anything that comes with a runny nose and a high temperature as swine flu for the moment.

Anyway, preventing disease is always a good thing. And doing it naturally. Common sense and some good products would go a long way.

This is why every home should have an air purifier that not only gives clean, energised, ion-rich air. But one that also eliminated bacteria and viruses. Seems like the right thing to do. That's why our AirPower 5's are running all over the place at the office. It's good to come to an office with clean "forest" air - shinrinyoku.

At Nikken we offer a very generous staff discount to encourage our staff members to use the products. We have also always Jade Greenzymes available to staff for free. Today, we announced that Lactoferrin and Ciaga will also be supplied to all staff free of charge.

Here are some photos from around the office, just proving that people are "on the products"!

I found these on my PA Veronica's desk. Good girl!

Here is a Nutri5 box in our HR Manager's office.

I think she has this for lunch.

Phil seems to be sipping Ciaga during work hours.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Interesting stats on HRT - and US warning text

Dr. Lars Hoye has spent more than 20 years researching soya. The recent years his studies have focused primarily on the effects on menopausal symptoms. In his findings are some quite interesting facts about the difference in Europe and the US when it comes to how HRT is promoted. The question is - why is there no statutory warning on HRT drugs in Europe?

Here are some interesting facts:

- The Food and Drug Administration in the US demands that a health warning pointing out the serious side effects is given out with each prescription of HRT treatment.
- American Doctors are not required to recommend HRT as the first option to treat menopausal symptoms
- The research results on HRT have resulted in a 70 % drop in use of HRT in the US since 2002
- With the reduced use of HRT in the US, the occurrence of breast cancer has dropped at the same rate!

Friday, 19 June 2009

Isoflavones are safe and effective

Isoflavones are safe and effective, say academics

Studies in isoflavones demonstrating the “modest but valuable benefit for menopause relief” presented at a symposium of almost 20 isoflavone experts in Italy should dismiss animal studies that have questioned the safety of the antioxidants, according to the US Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN).

Read more at Food Quality News

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

The way to celebrate your Silver day!

Else Ekkelenkamp from the Netherlands did the right thing. The day she was told that our bonus run would be finished and we should be able to confirm her as a new Silver, she took her car, the ferry over the canal, and drove from the English coast to our office in Milton Keynes.

Having toured the office I met her and had a chat. The bonus run had still not been confirmed when she was downstairs in Customer Services. So we popped into my room, had another look and ... YES! There it was... proof of her having completed her Silver month. Just leaving my office Tony was walking by so... great chance to be pinned by our European Managing Director literally a few minutes after confirmation of being a new Silver!

I think she set a good example to follow. When are you taking your next pin? Why not come over and see us and be pinned at the office? Else is coming to the Copenhagen Convention of course... and will be recognized again on stage. Will you?

In the photo below two people are actually posing that were pinned on the same day, Monday 16 June. Anthony Chaplin, our MD earlier in the day received his pin for 13 years of service at Nikken! So congratulations to both!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Impressive Nutri5 start in Finland

Germany, expectedly, was the number 1 country in Europe when it comes to Nutri5 sales in May. More surprising was the fact that the second biggest Nutri5 sales came from Finland!

A lot of great preparation has gone into preparing the Finnish market for the introduction of the product and the volumes may have been helped by the fact that the focus has been on physical retail sales of the product.

Anyway - well done for a really strong start!

Nutri5 sales - top 10 - May 2009

1 Germany
2 Finland
3 France
4 Switzerland
5 Norway
6 Sweden
7 Belgium
8 Austria
9 Denmark
10 Hungary

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

The Menopause Ambulance

After great product launch meetings in Nürnberg and Budapest I return back to England with lots of new information, ideas, impressions and... amazement of the potential we have with Nutri5.

Dr Lars Höye did a series of marvellous presentations and I can appreciate our new product more fully now. Personally, I take it each morning, mixed in a hand mixer with some fruit juices, optimized water and a banana...

In Budapest we had many medical doctors in the audience, all seemed happy with the information they got and some very influential doctors decided to join Nikken after the meeting.

But how about this... In Hungary they have just launched a "menopause ambulance". There are TV ads about it, promoting a toll free phone number that you can call if you are having menopausal symptom attacks. They will connect you to the nearest hospital or centre with a menopause ambulance that will come an help you out!

Pretty cool, ha? But what an incredible amount of money this must cost. And all it takes is a shake or two of Nutri5 per day and the problems are history.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Another great start... this year's Conventions!

The Paris Convention on Saturday 16 March went really according to plan. It was fantastic to see the great culmination of many month's hard labour.

Can't tell you many details yet, since we want to keep elements of the event a big surprise to you when you attend in Copenhagen or Budapest. But it was brilliant, energetic, fun, colourful.

The the left - this is what it looks like when you put 30 Pi-Mag water systems next to each other. Below some other photos from our preparations on Friday before the big day.

Register for the Nikken Rhythm of Life in Copenhagen or Budapest today!

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Great start on our Search Engine Optimization for Nutri5

The Nutri5 web sites rank very high on search results for "natural solutions for menopause" around Europe. In Sweden, Consultant and corporate Nikken sites completely dominate the first page of results. In Holland the results are equally impressive and in Germany our corporate Nutri5 sites rank at all positions between 3 and 8 and the top one is a yahoo video posted by one of our Consultants.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Network Marketing is changing

Well the headline could be applied to anything. Everything is changing. Nothing stands still. But sometimes people tend to think that there will be a new "normal" state of things. There won't.
The playing field has changed completely, will keep changing and we need to change with it.

Network Marketing. The name implies two basic functions that must be fulfilled. The "Networking" part and the "Marketing" part. This combination has huge potential.

But the generic view of Network Marketing has been different. The bad reputation that the industry has at times or certain places is partly due to obsolete high pressure recruiting methods. Traditional, old-school sales techniques have been applied to the recruiting process, leading to too many people being "persuaded" to join. That is not a good starting point for a long-term business relationship.

I think those of us in Network Marketing could learn a lot to learn from professional networkers in other fields. Networking is the art of expanding your circle of influence by people. People know people. We provide services. We offer products, solutions and a business. There are enough people that need what we have for us to find the right people without high pressure selling.

That leads to the other point. "Marketing" has not been emphasized enough in our industry in the past. Since direct selling / network marketing has acted as a direct channel to the customer, companies have seen Marketing as a support function in terms of production of catalogues and brochures.

But the world has changed. Competition is much more fierce than it was a few decades ago. Now we also compete for people's attention and time. This requires a much more orchestrated Marketing effort from the Network Marketing companies, since not all networkers can be expected to be marketing professionals on top of being the networkers.

Our Nutri5 launch has been an important journey in redirecting the company to focus much more on the retail customers and their needs. This journey will continue and we will keep developing strategies and materials that help our Consultants to build their businesses more effectively. You perform the networking function and we help with the marketing function.

Your ideas and feedback on how this should look like in the future are most welcome. We are building the future now.

Friday, 17 April 2009

The psychological effect of Shinrin-yoku proven

A study on "Shinrin-yoku", or forest air bathing/breathing, was published in Japan in 2006.

The study doesn't reveal anything that we don't already know. Science is often like that. Only a few years ago was it scientifically proven that stress has an effect on our health...

Anyway, in this study, the psychological effects of being in a forest and breathing forest air was measured. And surprise, surprise, people were considerably less stressed and more energized.

Self-evident maybe, but definitely a good reminder. I'm thinking when was the last time I was in a forest? Can't even remember. I'm sure there are some forests somewhere in the UK...

In 2007, a more detailed study was published in "Journal of Physiological Anthropology" where physiological as well as psychological effects were measured. They found that "sympathetic nervous activity was suppressed and parasympathetic nervous activity was enhanced in the forest area, and that Shinrin-yoku reduced stress levels." Blood pressure and pulse rate was significantly lower, and salivary cortisol concentration was significantly lower in the forest, among the measured criteria.

An earlier study done in Australia in 2001 covered the more abstract subject of "TRANSCENDENT EXPERIENCE IN FOREST ENVIRONMENTS". Quoted from the abstract: "The paper discusses broad classifications of transcendent experience in forest and considers the implications for understanding the spiritual meaning of nature. "

I don't visit a forest very often. But I plan to now, being reminded of their existence. So I will find some nice British forests for a weekend retreat.

But until then, luckily, I'm doing my shinrin-yoku every day, be it at work or at home. All it takes is an Air Wellness Power 5 Pro. And you have clean, energized, ion rich air.


Thursday, 16 April 2009

Fake studies in the pharmaceutical industry

It is a well-known fact that fake studies have occurred in the pharmaceutical industry, since "profit at any cost" seems to be a philosophy among the medical mafia as I like to call them.

Here is the latest, Sven sent me this link:

Probe into faked studies rocks medical community

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Ban the mass hypnosis of fear

People around you are going into paralysis mode. Don't just stay out of that culturally acceptable trance, but help to lift people out of it.

The media bombardment of how bad things are and how scared we should be is working. Sadly, we all can see this. But who is going to be the "local hero" who refuses the doom and gloom, who stands for something different and keeps believing in and offering an opportunity?

Is it you?

How will you make every moment count? And I am not talking about mass recruitment here. Not everybody is your prospect. Some people have to get out of misery and into a "neutral" mode first before you even want them in your business. And for some people the business you offer will never be the right thing for them. But you can still become the person who always provides value. Always inspires a situation. Like Michael Breen, a world-class NLP trainer puts it: "lift every situation to its highest potential". Do that as a habit. Benefits will follow.

And by the way. You urgently need to get out of the mass hypnosis if you are in one... and get into a better kind of mind set. Next week we launch our Nutri5 web site, releaset the bulk packs. Time to be too busy to worry about the econonomy! Go create a new one instead!

See you at the Nikken Conventions.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Talk and earn trust

Lately I have been studying "networking" outside of the network marketing business. The truth is that a lot of businesses are entirely built around networks in a very similar fashion to network marketing. Especially when you look at one-person businesses such as consulting, coaching, training, public speaking and a lot of free-lance businesses of various forms. Many successful people in these types of businesses started with very low or almost no financial resources and investments. Very much like many network marketing businesses start with very little cash injected as the start. But what they did start with was an intention, an offering and people.

The successful ones managed to leverage their network. They spoke with people they already knew. Started serving them, communicating regularly with them, and asking for what they wanted. Business and referrals. Not pushing their services down people's throats. But letting everyone know what solutions they could offer and what type of clients they were looking for.

Some of these consultants, coaches etc are brilliant network marketers. They follow up. They listen. They regularly stay in touch. And they don't chase. They do inform. They ask "who do you know who might need this?" And over time they build an incredible foundation of trust and a steady stream of clients.

Network marketers should adapt some of the things these people do. One of the is using your "data base" or your name list properly. Another one is keeping your communications simple. Don't make prospecting into a "thing". Talk to people! Serve them. Help them...

There is great opportunity in the marketplace. Those who serve will continue to win. No matter what the "general statistics" about our economy say.

Be one of those winners.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009


It must be 10 years since I last had some "mämmi", a Finnish Easter Tradition probably going back thousands of years... to the ancient times when all the Finns had to eat was pine trees, fish, rocks and rye. So it's kind of like a desert. But like a rye bread pudding. Served with cream and sugar to sweeten it up a bit. Quite an experience. Riitta in our Finance department brought some to the office today and us Finns are celebrating this fine tradition...

Anyway, Finland keeps going strong as a Nikken market. Year on year they build a stronger and stronger business. At end of March, our newest President's Club members Ilkka and Pirkko Noso (in the photo) joined me and the first Finnish PC members Jouko and Mallu Saarinen for the Finnish 3rd annual DSA Gala. It was held at the Grand Casino in Helsinki and we had some great opera themed entertainment with our nice dinner.

The Noso's have an interesting and inspiring story to share. Be on the lookout on the portal and the Summer edition of our Family Wellness Magazine to read more about how and why they did it.

Belgium is another market doing really well. In recent months they have reached a fantastic momentum and are basically doubling sales compared to the same month last year. Way to go!

Many Belgian Consultants will be recognised at the first of this year's Regional Conventions that is coming up 16 May in Paris. The Paris one is quickly selling out, so secure your tickets! Also, it is about time to secure your ticket for the Copenhagen one on 29 August as well and why not join us in Budapest on 21 November?

Order your Convention ticktes at:

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Reality lies in the perception

Royal Diamond Oddmund Berger often reminds that "perception is reality". What we perceive to be true is true for us. The problem being that what we perceive may not, in fact, be true. So how can we know what is?

If reality lies (ambiguity intended) within perception - then how is that perception formed?

What we perceive as being a problem, or the truth, or the current situation, is formed by what we can perceive first of all with our senses, but also by things that have happened in the past and how we filter that information, as well as our general perception of life, people, our values etc... Our abstract ideas about how things work, should be, etc... all those generalisation (genera-lie-sations) are part of formiong the perception we have.

So what?

Well. First of all, we may need to clear our minds at times. And see beyond certain illusions. More and more, media is becoming a medium of mass programming. It has always been that way but the global impact of unified messages is bigger than ever. And the type of stuff that we are fed by media does affect world views. Is there anything else happening in the world except scandals, wars, "lack" of money (where did it go?) etc etc.... If you look at mainstream media... it looks like not.

Nothing new here. Good news aren't the stuff for media. And talking about lying... media companies like to expose liars when it suits them... but they don't hesitate to lie themselves to create that type of stories... so where is the truth?

Anyway... I think you need to create your own truth. Don't believe most of the "bs" that you are being presented as truths through the news. Question the intention of what is being said. What are we made to believe?

Monday, 23 February 2009

It's easier than you think.

One of the most valuable lessons lately I got from listening to a podcast interview featuring an aikido master. This time it hit me. And the installation was done. He was giving advice on how to get it done right. His two comments were: "Releax completely. Be focused on your center." That was it. Makes total sense, sensei.

It doesn't just apply to aikido. It applies to everything. Even if you don't know exactly what you are doing. If you are trying out a new technique or charting out a new path, relax! You will notice more, have better access to your resources and... enjoy the process more. The results will follow. It will be easier to achieve more in a shorter time.

This reminds me of something Mike Lewis mentioned in Tenerife last year. That everything you need is within your grasp. Literally. Just ask. People keep their issues for themselves far too much. Instead, you could have 20 ideas on how to solve a problem if you just let people know what you are looking for. Or find the right person just by talking to people you already know.

That applies to network marketing. The Royal Diamonds you want to find are already connected to people around you. They won't know you are looking for them if you don't ask.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

The heat is on...

It's gonna get hot this year. Or actually some people with hot flushes are gonna cool down. But the heat is on since our new product is HOT and the coolest thing in direct selling since... direct selling. The right price, proven, simple, effective, life-changing, simple, easy to talk about, with legal claims... you name it, it's got it.

And by the way. Anyone can take it. It's all good. But you gotta wait a while. For the product that means. But don't wait before you find yoursel recruiting a whole new growing and dynamic group of people to mobilise for the launch.

This is going to be big.