Monday 22 June 2009

Interesting stats on HRT - and US warning text

Dr. Lars Hoye has spent more than 20 years researching soya. The recent years his studies have focused primarily on the effects on menopausal symptoms. In his findings are some quite interesting facts about the difference in Europe and the US when it comes to how HRT is promoted. The question is - why is there no statutory warning on HRT drugs in Europe?

Here are some interesting facts:

- The Food and Drug Administration in the US demands that a health warning pointing out the serious side effects is given out with each prescription of HRT treatment.
- American Doctors are not required to recommend HRT as the first option to treat menopausal symptoms
- The research results on HRT have resulted in a 70 % drop in use of HRT in the US since 2002
- With the reduced use of HRT in the US, the occurrence of breast cancer has dropped at the same rate!

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