Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Reality lies in the perception

Royal Diamond Oddmund Berger often reminds that "perception is reality". What we perceive to be true is true for us. The problem being that what we perceive may not, in fact, be true. So how can we know what is?

If reality lies (ambiguity intended) within perception - then how is that perception formed?

What we perceive as being a problem, or the truth, or the current situation, is formed by what we can perceive first of all with our senses, but also by things that have happened in the past and how we filter that information, as well as our general perception of life, people, our values etc... Our abstract ideas about how things work, should be, etc... all those generalisation (genera-lie-sations) are part of formiong the perception we have.

So what?

Well. First of all, we may need to clear our minds at times. And see beyond certain illusions. More and more, media is becoming a medium of mass programming. It has always been that way but the global impact of unified messages is bigger than ever. And the type of stuff that we are fed by media does affect world views. Is there anything else happening in the world except scandals, wars, "lack" of money (where did it go?) etc etc.... If you look at mainstream media... it looks like not.

Nothing new here. Good news aren't the stuff for media. And talking about lying... media companies like to expose liars when it suits them... but they don't hesitate to lie themselves to create that type of stories... so where is the truth?

Anyway... I think you need to create your own truth. Don't believe most of the "bs" that you are being presented as truths through the news. Question the intention of what is being said. What are we made to believe?

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