Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Talk and earn trust

Lately I have been studying "networking" outside of the network marketing business. The truth is that a lot of businesses are entirely built around networks in a very similar fashion to network marketing. Especially when you look at one-person businesses such as consulting, coaching, training, public speaking and a lot of free-lance businesses of various forms. Many successful people in these types of businesses started with very low or almost no financial resources and investments. Very much like many network marketing businesses start with very little cash injected as the start. But what they did start with was an intention, an offering and people.

The successful ones managed to leverage their network. They spoke with people they already knew. Started serving them, communicating regularly with them, and asking for what they wanted. Business and referrals. Not pushing their services down people's throats. But letting everyone know what solutions they could offer and what type of clients they were looking for.

Some of these consultants, coaches etc are brilliant network marketers. They follow up. They listen. They regularly stay in touch. And they don't chase. They do inform. They ask "who do you know who might need this?" And over time they build an incredible foundation of trust and a steady stream of clients.

Network marketers should adapt some of the things these people do. One of the is using your "data base" or your name list properly. Another one is keeping your communications simple. Don't make prospecting into a "thing". Talk to people! Serve them. Help them...

There is great opportunity in the marketplace. Those who serve will continue to win. No matter what the "general statistics" about our economy say.

Be one of those winners.

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